Sunday, October 30, 2011

Around the Lake Ward

Happy Sabbath,

The Priesthood leadership was reorganized last week.  Glenn Fugikawa, Thom Zambrana and Bob Bracy were released.  Dale Phillips, Chris Hill and Scott Giles were set apart as the new Elders Quorum Presidency and Chris Young was set apart as the High Priest Group Leader.  

There were 4 people who were asked to bear their testimony at the beginning of the meeting; Kristen Curtis, Bernard Martinez, Greg Sandoval and Scott Mitchell.  They all did an amazing job!!! 

After a rest hymn, the Bishop spoke.  I started taking notes and about half way through his talk I thought, "Why am I taking notes?  I should just send his entire talk out!"  So I stopped.  Here is a link to his talk:

The Bishop delivered a talk that he was inspired to give.  You could feel the spirit as he spoke of the men in the ward, how much he loved them and seeing their growth in the gospel.  It is easy to admire the men in our ward, from the Bishop on down!!!

With it being the 5th Sunday, we had a combined Priesthood / Relief Society meeting which Erin Caldwell taught.  Erin has taught Cotillion for  years and she imparted some great information to us.  She did a fantastic job and we learned some great tips.  Then we had cookies in the social hall where we got to practice our newly learned skills!  

It was a stupendous day at church.  We felt the spirit, enjoyed the fellowship and had our buckets filled for the coming week.

With much love,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Sunday of Parables

Victoria described sacrament meeting as "as Sunday of Parables." I thought that was a good description of the bishopric wives' talks, which I will try to summarize. Since Debbie was focused on her talk, she let me know that I would have to take notes and write up the summary today! Unfortunately, I forgot I was supposed to take notes until halfway through Sister Eaton's talk -- I hope I summarized everything well!

In keeping with the month's theme on love and charity, the bishopric's wives spoke today. Sister Eaton spoke, followed by Sister Moon, with Sister Gardner finishing.

Sister Eaton helped us understand how love leads to repentance while anger has the opposite effect. To illustrate the importance of kindness, forgiveness, and showing love, she related the following story. An employee at an automotive shop once encountered a young man stealing parts, so he chased him down and wanted to call the police. The employee's father, who owned the shop, however, took the thief aside and walked him back to the shop, talking all the way about the car problem the young man was facing. When they arrived back at the shop, the problem had been diagnosed and the owner gave the young man the parts necessary to fix it. This young man was so touched that he became friends with the shop owners, repented, repaid for all the items he had stolen, and eventually joined the church. Sister Eaton closed by quoting from Matt. 25:34-40, which says in part, "...I was a stranger, and ye took me in... When saw we thee a stranger and took thee in? ...Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

Sister Moon told us about her 18-month old Gavin who has learned to shut doors but not to open them. He backs himself out of a room and pulls the door shut, but since he can't open it, he puts a barrier between himself and his parents. Sister Moon pointed out that we often do the same thing ourselves. But this barrier is lowered through forgiveness. Just as the Israelites were asked to simply look upon the upraised staff and be healed, forgiving others is simple. Sister Moon pointed out how there are many touching examples of forgiveness in the scriptures -- Joseph forgave his brothers in Egypt, Nephi forgave his siblings for tying him up and beating him, Joseph Smith forgave while in the Liberty Jail. But the greatest example of forgiveness was when Christ on the cross forgave those who had hung him there. When we are wronged, let the Savior carry the burden and forgive. Sister Moon closed by telling the story of how she had been wronged by a shoe store and she kept ranting and complaining about it, until finally Sister Clayton told her, "Enough with the shoe story!" So let's forgive and let it go. It is simple, especially if we put the burden upon the Savior.

Our final speaker was Sister Gardner. She told how she had moved a lot as a child but had always felt loved and accepted until 8th grade in San Jose. Because her mother insisted that she wear a long skirt, she was ridiculed and shunned. Although the gospel helped her through the year, this experience taught her that we need to be inclusive and accepting with others. We are all different and that is beautiful. Think of an orchestra. If every member of the orchestra played the same instrument and same tune, it would be beautiful but boring. The combination of different instruments, rich and varying sounds, and musical harmony makes the music interesting and joyous. Tolerance leads to compassion which leads to love. Just as the Savior loved the outcast, the sinners, and was inviting to everyone, we need to do the same. Sister Gardner advised us to reach out, include others, and open up our circles. Smile and say Hi to each other!

It was an amazingly uplifting and spiritual sacrament meeting. Of course, the best part of sacrament meeting was having our wives sit on the stand with us so we could hold hands and enjoy each others' company while listening to the talks, something the bishopric doesn't get to do very often!

In other news, our priesthood leadership was reorganized during Priesthood Meeting. Glenn F, Thom Z, and Bob B were released with a vote of thanks for an absolutely astounding job they had done during their year and a half of leadership. Dale P was called as the new Elders Quorum President with Chris H and Scott G serving as counselors. Chris Y was called as our High Priest Group Leader. This is the first time we've had a High Priest Group Leader in the ward and we are looking forward to great things!

Thank you for being such wonderful friends and ward members,
Bishop Gardner

Monday, October 17, 2011

Around the Lake Ward

Happy Sabbath to all,

It has been quite some time since I've done a wrap-up of our meetings.  Between summer vacations, grandchildren, General and Stake Conference - life has been anything but normal!  But things are settling down and I'm ready to get back into the groove.  So here we go....

The Bishop started the meeting by explaining that the change in the Irvine and Orange Stakes single's programs, which combined the Orange Stake's Single Adult program with the Lake Ward, came through those who hold apostolic keys.  We had lots of visitors today and hopefully all felt welcomed!

Donna H, the Relief Society president, was the first speaker.  She started by saying that she hoped the visitors feel the love and acceptance of the ward.

Donna told the story of her youngest son who had lots of freckles.  She had always told him that freckles are what angels leave behind when they kiss you at night.  But once he got to school, he realized that not everyone liked freckles.  He asked Donna, "How come the angels love me more?"  Donna thought for a moment and then replied, "It isn't that they loved us more, but that we needed the absolute proof that they were there."

In D&C 6:20, Oliver Cowdery was told, "Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love."  Donna pointed out that we need to believe, seek, cling to and make friends with Christ.  We need to KNOW Him.  In John 17:3 it says, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."  We need to utilize prayer; praying, then listening, and to study His life to get to know Him.

Donna then talked about Charity - Charity never faileth.  The opposite of charity is criticizing.  We should show charity to those who go un-noticed.  Charity is love in action, it is non-judgmental.  Donna loved the example of Christ in 3rd Nephi where He spent one on one time with the people.  She ended by asking, "Have you received His image in your countenance?"

Marcia C favored us with a harp solo, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring."  Marcia is leaving the ward, but came one last time.  Thank you, Marcia, for all your wonderful work with the music in the ward.  We wish you the best, but you will be missed!

Glenn F, the Elders' Quorum president, was the last speaker.  He spoke about Christ's example in our lives.  Glenn told the story of an older man who stopped some missionaries and wanted to compliment them on their church.  The Elders asked why and the older man told the story of when he had been stuck on the side of the road when his car had broken down.  A stranger stopped, took him into town, helped him to get the help needed and took the mechanic out to his car to get the job done.  When the older man offered to pay the stranger, he declined the money saying, "Just compliment the Mormon Church to others."  Years later he saw a newspaper of a Mormon meeting happening in his town and saw the picture of the stranger who had helped him - Pres. Spencer W. Kimball!

Glenn then told a story of Linda J, who was getting her masters in accounting and working for a company with a bunch of young guys who were making lots of money.  She wasn't interested in any of the guys, but one guy in particular asked her to lunch and she said yes.  During lunch the topic turned to the church.  They agreed to attend sacrament meeting together on Sunday.  There were 4 people at the sacrament meeting who are still in the Irvine Stake and the guy who went to lunch and sacrament meeting was Glenn.

Glenn pointed out that he has seen many good things happening in our ward.  The members are so good; home teachers, fellowshipping others, all those who serve so diligently in their callings.  He mentioned the stories from the New Testament about the adulteress and the prodigal son, saying that our ward does not judge others, that we are accepting of everyone and there is not grumbling.

Glenn then told a very personal story of a time when he had made some poor choices.  He had gone to talk with the Bishop, who he felt had been rather harsh and judgmental of him and he used it as an excuse to not be really active in the church.  He attended church, did his home teaching, but his heart wasn't really in it.  He was carrying around a grudge.

When 2 dear friends got married in the temple and he wasn't able to attend the sealing, Glenn realized that the only person being hurt by his carrying around the grudge was himself.  He quoted D&C 64:9, "Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another, for he that forgiveth not his brother his trespasses standeth before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin."  Glenn said that he was in the wrong and that he should have forgiven the Bishop at that time instead of carrying the grudge for years.  Glenn said that sometimes the hardest person to forgive is ourselves.

We had a delicious Bishopric Wives Dinner made by Sister Moon!!!  We loved being back together after 2 weeks of General and Stake Conference!!!  We enjoying seeing all that were there, especially the visitors, and missed those who weren't able to make it.

With much love,

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Around the Lake Ward

Hello wonderful ward members & friends,

Debbie is in Utah this weekend attending the birth of our 8th grandchild (a beautiful baby girl, born Thursday evening, Suzanne Elizabeth Schofield), so I have to do the update. It's a bit self-serving since I spoke...

It was ward conference today. I truly appreciate everyone who made a special effort to be there. It was delightful to see you all. I also decided that, despite how much Beth likes those seats "under the clock," it felt more cozy and like a family having most of you sitting in the center section. Thank you!

I spoke first. I chose the topic of Joy because I have been feeling that if there is one thing I wish for every member, friend, and visitor to the ward, it is to find everlasting and eternal joy. This doesn't mean being "happy" since sometimes the things we have to do to achieve lasting joy are not happy things! They may take hard work and sacrifice. Joy comes through (among others) two primary activities: service and covenants (or keeping the commandments). I urge each of you to lose yourself in service and strive to keep the commandments, so that you may find joy, the joy that comes from the love of the Lord and the hope of one day dwelling in the presence of the Lord in a "state of happiness which hath no end." The full text of my talk can be found at:

For our interlude music we were treated to a most delightful vocal solo by Mariann C, accompanied by Marcia C on her Irish harp, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. I was moved to tears by its beauty and couldn't decide if I'd rather watch Mariann sing or Marcia play!

To close the meeting, President Rasmussen spoke about the importance of bearing our testimonies, walking us through the scriptural foundations for this practice. President Rasmussen warned us that the Lord expects us to bear our testimony and open our mouths to warn our neighbors. He quoted from Elder Oaks in a 1990 talk that as faith in our society diminishes, it becomes ever more important for us to be increasingly valiant in our testimonies, both in having them and in sharing them. Finally, President Rasmussen noted that the best way for us, today, to share our testimonies is by creating a profile on and submitting our testimony. He thanked those who have done this and encouraged them to update it. He then issued a calling to those who have not done yet submitted a testimony to do so. President Rasmussen earlier shared with me the experience he had creating his own profile on and indicated that he feels strong urging from the spirit to have every member of the stake do the same.

Some important announcements:
We will be holding a Temple Preparation class during Sunday School, taught by Br. Eaton, starting on July 10. If you are interested in attending this class, please contact a member of the bishopric.
Home Evening is at the Eatons tomorrow and the Gardners the following Monday. Learn about the steel guitar at the Eatons, and The Five Love Languages at the Gardners.
Next Saturday, June 18, is a Temple Grounds Tour at 2pm. Invite your friends. And a ward BBQ at the Eatons' at 6pm.

With much love,
Bishop Gardner

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Around the Lake Ward

It's been awhile since we posted. Sorry for the delay, it's been a very busy month!

Happy Sabbath to all,

In ward news, Heidi K was sustained to the fitness committee.

We had 2 (well 3) speakers - read on to have that make sense.  Patricia M spoke first.  She spoke about Muslims.  In 2000, the church spoke highly of Mohammed and said that Muslims had a hard time having a truthful history written about them.  In 1978 the church said that God's love was for all mankind.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Around the Lake Ward

Happy Sabbath,

Released – Matt B as the ward mission leader and Mariann C as a RS instructor.  Many thanks to them for their wonderful service!
Sustained – Mariann C as the visiting teacher supervisor and Dale P as a Gospel Principals instructor. 

Bishop Gardner spoke a little bit about general conference and some personal experiences while watching it and overthe last couple of weeks.  He admonished us to watch Pres. Monson’s talk in the Priesthood session of General Conference. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Around the Lake Ward

Debbie is in Colorado visiting our brand new grandson, so I will write the update this week.

There were many releases and sustainings today. Too many to get them all, so I'll mention the new callings, in no particular order:
Robin A as Ward Missionary; Erin C and June A as R.S. Teachers; Maureen C as R.S. Chorister and Family History Consultant; Roseanne W and Janice W to the Home Evening Committee; Brent W and Robin A to the Break-the-Fast Committee; and Steve K as Gospel Doctrine Class President.

Br. Pinto announced that he has accepted a new job in Philadelphia so will only be with us for a few more weeks. He and his wife, Akane, spoke in sacrament meeting. Their talks were delightful and served to remind us of what a loss it will be when they move away!